Develop crucial personal security habits with one of the top upcoming instructors in the reality based self-protection industry.

Headshot of Sam King, a happy group member Headshot of Panicos Yusuf, one of the longest group members Headshot of Jon Santry, an active group member

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Julien Masson exudes confidence, smiling at the camera while someone grabs him against the wall Jokes

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Julien Masson and Jon Santry recording some video content in front of the camera tripod Shoot day
Julien Masson receiving the Kaizen Martial Arts award Kaizen Award

Session booked with Julien

Julien Masson and Jon Santry showcasing a realistic demonstration in front of the green screen during a videography shoot Photo Shoot
Julien Masson demonstrating martial arts techniques at a seminar in France French Seminar
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Attacking The Eyes: Eye Jab

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Julien Masson and his training partner wearing a high gear suit High Gear Suit

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Julien in the middle of a group in France teaching a seminar French Seminar
A female student of Julien Masson practising a strike Women Self Protection


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Julien Masson demonstrating a knee strike technique
Volume 3

Extreme Close Quarter Tools

Throwing Knees

1hr 14min



Julien Masson demonstrating an elbow strike technique
Volume 2

Extreme Close Quarter Tools

Throwing Elbows




Julien Masson demonstrating an eye jab technique
Volume 1

Attacking the Eyes

Eye Jab




Julien Masson demonstrating a rapid eye blitz technique
Volume 3

Attacking the Eyes

Rapid Eye Blitz




Julien Masson demonstrating the palm strike technique
Volume 1

Open Handed Strikes Essentials

The Palm Strike




Julien Masson demonstrating the groin slap technique
Volume 6

Open Handed Strikes Essentials

The Groin Slap




Julien Masson is seen brandishing a machete in a defensive position
Volume 1

Machete Combatives Essentials


2hr 19min





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Julien Masson's

Discover more about Julien Masson's journey of self-protection, empowerment, and triumph over adversity.

Julien Masson

11 Jan 2022

5 min read

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Why Learn

Discover the importance of self protection in today's world and empower yourself to safeguard loved ones.

Julien Masson

11 Jan 2022

5 min read

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Online Courses

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Samuel King

11 Jan 2022

5 min read

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Unveiling a principle-driven approach with skills, tactics, and strategies beyond sport or martial arts.

Julien Masson

11 Jan 2022

5 min read

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Spirituality &
Martial Arts

Discover how spirituality and martial arts converge to foster personal enlightenment and growth.

Julien Masson

11 Jan 2022

5 min read

Adrenaline Combatives

Video Library



When the teacher at the front of class is talking about Behavioural Psychology and Violence Prevention I have to admit I am all ears, especially when he talks with such wisdom and understanding. All my hard years of working doors, teaching self protection and studying psychology, and spirituality have convinced me that understanding and preventing violence is the new way for the enlightened teacher. My friend Julien is one such man. Julien is deeply curious, courageous and intelligent, a rare mix in this age of duality. I highly recommend Julien as the new teacher for the new age of warriorship that transcends the physical, even the psychological, and leaps bravely into the deeps of the metaphysical.

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Headshot of Geoff Thompson Geoff Thompson

BAFTA Winning Author // Spiritual Teacher // Former Doorman // Pioneer of Reality-Based Self Protection

Julien Masson is a reality based self-protection combatives coach that is establishing himself as a very capable instructor within this field. Julien has a vast background in many martial arts and reality based methods and has worked extensively with many of the best in the business! If you are looking for an explosively effective means to counter violence, that is relatively simple to learn, easily installed, and retainable under fight duress, then I highly recommend that you check him out!

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Headshot of Lee Morrison Lee Morrison

Pioneer of Reality-Based Self Protection // Founder of Urban Combatives // Former Doorman

Never personally met Julien but what attracted me the most about his shared clips was his passion and devotion to his teachings. Julien comes across as pure and genuine... and the way in which he replies to people, even when they disagree with him, is quite gentlemanly.

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Headshot of Richard Dimitri Richard Dimitri

Pioneer in Reality Based Training // Violence Prevention Consultant // Founder of Senshido International

It is indisputable that teaching the effects of adrenaline are paramount for effective self-defense. It's a game changer when people discover that adrenaline is actually their best ally should they ever need it in an intense altercation - and Julien is teaching the best of the best. I heartily endorse his training.

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Headshot of Bill Kipp Bill Kipp

Former Marine Recon Team Leader // Pioneer in Reality Based Training // Founder of FAST Defense Adrenaline Training

I am a Muay Thai athlete with over 70 bouts combined in Amateur and Pro fights. Whilst there are many similarities between street self defence and Muay Thai, there are also vast differences. Not least in that competitive contact sports feature both rules and sportsmanship, neither of which can be found in a street fight situation. Julien's vast experience comes from years of training, teaching and dealing under pressure in all types of environments and situations. This ensures that he provides valid, authentic and relevant training, equipping the students with the confidence and skills to remain safe in a real life combat situation.

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Headshot of Panicos Yusuf Panicos Yusuf

Pro Muay Thai Fighter // World Champion // Chief Instructor at All Powers Gym

Adrenaline Combatives is a practical, functional and effective self protection training, ideal for all types and levels of students, also for anyone that wants to increase their ability to stay safe. Julien is very passionate and highly skilled in combatives that will inspire and develop all aspects of your life.

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Headshot of Lee Hasdell Lee Hasdell

Former British Soldier // Former Bodyguard // Former Pro MMA Fighter // Founder of Close Solutions Privacy & Protection and Senjutsu Online

After 40 years training professionals (military, police, jail wardens, international institutions, security services) in various topics: physical defense, combat, shooting, special tactics, crisis reaction and avoidance, it took me a while to accept writing in support of Julien's teachings for the mere reason that I'm highly partial: he is my son and former apprentice.He started in this field some 17 years ago as an assistant trainer for the Lithuanian AIG special intervention group and the Lukiskes central jail reaction team. Ever since, in Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine and finally the UK, he kept his passion and refined his methods. He mobilized his understanding of biomechanics and deep psychological mechanisms at play in fight situations to support his years of practice and training in order to create an unique approach. Check him out!

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Headshot of Phillipe Masson, Julien's Father Major Phillipe Mason

Head of Training Department // Former Cdr Protection & Intervention Unit of the CRS // International Public Order Management Expert

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I saw Julien evolve into a solid Combatives instructor who understands the mental and physical elements needed to deal with violence. His unique Mix of UC and JKD is what defines him. Julien has a mission and wants to help people the best he can! I highly recommend him!

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Headshot of Michiel Mulder Michiel Mulder

Senior Urban Combatives Instructor (UC Netherlands)

I am a former parachute regiment soldier and now I work as a close protection officer looking after AAA* celebrities and high net worth individuals all over the world. As a bodyguard I think these self defence tactics are incredibly important in our chosen profession because sometimes as the threat occurs to our VIPs and principles we want to react and get out of there fast. Personally a swift throat jab or a groin strike will do the job as it's very effective. I highly recommend that you check Julien Massen if you are looking for some quality reality based training.

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Headshot of Ricky Trueman Ricky Trueman

International Bodyguard // Former Parachute Regiment Soldier

Julien is a guy with great energy and a very good personality. Great potential, with a clear vision of what he does and he will without the shadow of a doubt be heard about a lot in the future. My absolute support for his work.

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Headshot of Igor Grujic Igor Grujic

Close Protection CQB Instructor // Founder of the Soko Combat Academy

I first saw one of Julien's videos about 2 years ago and I was immediately drawn in by his explosiveness in his actions and also his obvious understanding of real violence. Those things are rare enough these days, but after I started to see more of his work, speak with him some and just keep an eye on some of the things he was doing, I begin to see that his was an ACTUAL Multi- Art practitioner who not only can do the Combatives side of the game, but It was quite obvious to me that the passion he had for training and learning in many arts and systems would not only benefit his career as a Combatives Instructor but that passion would also benefit his students as well! Energy is Transferable and Passion is ENERGY! As a life long Multi Art practitioner myself, 35 years now, I pride myself in these things and to also see them in someone who was following a similar path as myself, That is rare and makes me smile! To be in this business you ABSOLUTLEY have to be in it for the people, those students that you will interact with, in your time here. To make a lasting positive effect on that student, one that will follow them forever, even when they leave us, this is our purpose! And there is ZERO doubt in my mind that Julien and what he is doing, the Legacy he is creating would benefit any person, from any walk of life... I am enjoying watching your growth as an instructor and success sir! Keep Moving.

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Headshot of Billy Brown Billy Brown

Former Doorman // Founder and Chief Instructor at Progressive Martial Arts Training Systems // Adaptive Combatives // Progressive Productions

Highly practical, real life experience based self protection training. As someone who has trained in martial arts for 32 years and worked regularly as a doorman for 18 of those years I can highly recommend Adrenaline combatives. Focusing on gross motor skills and addressing adrenal response and psychology is the cornerstone of training to deal with real life violence.

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Headshot of Johnathan Santry Johnathan Santry

Former Doorman // Pro MMA Fighter // Bare Knuckle Boxer // Chief Instructor at Jon Santry Martial Arts

Julien is an absolute powerhouse when it comes to self-protection instruction. He is simply amazing, and his seminars are nothing short of awe-inspiring. I have had the pleasure of attending his sessions, and I can honestly say that they are some of the most interactive, engaging, and practical seminars I have ever attended. The depth and breadth of Julian's knowledge in his field is unparalleled, and his unique style of delivery is truly captivating. He is an expert in his craft and has a genuine passion for sharing his expertise with others. His seminars are packed with information that is not only relevant but also highly actionable. Julian knows exactly how to put you through your paces and make sure that you understand everything that he is teaching. He is a master of his craft, and his seminars are the perfect combination of theory and practice. His content is always on point, and he has an incredible ability to communicate complex ideas in a way that is easy to understand. Overall, Julian is a force to be reckoned with in the world of self-protection. If you have the opportunity to attend one of his seminars, I highly recommend that you do. You will be blown away by his knowledge, passion, and skill. He truly is an amazing practitioner, and I cannot speak highly enough of him.

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Headshot of Orlando Parkinson Orlando Parkinson

Close Protection Operative // Education & School Safety Specialist

Julien is a great martial artist who specialises in street combat and general self defence. I have had many sessions with Julien, and not only thoroughly enjoyed the sessions, but have gained so much knowledge, including how to deal with a few weapon attacks. He is an amazing instructor, always looking to improve himself as well as his students.

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Headshot of Bilal Remassy Omoboye Bilal Remassy Omoboye

Pro Muay Thai Fighter

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I have been knowing brother Julien for a few years now and the way he works and delivers his training and insights about violence to his clients is way off the charts. So pragmatic and dynamic that whatever you learn from him can be definitely put to use if you ever have to face any violent encounter - such is the nature and methodology of his training.

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Headshot of Ashfaq Wani Ashfaq Wani

Founder of Kashmir Combatives

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I first met Julien nearly 8 years ago during an urban combatives class. I have been privileged enough since then to have him as a friend and brother. Julien is an instructor in his own right with Adrenaline Combatives, he brings a lot to the table but is also very humble. He has fantastic knowledge and a good understanding of street violence and combatives. I highly recommend if you get the opportunity to train with Julien as you will thoroughly enjoy and learn from him.

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Headshot of Simon Gray Simon Gray

Urban Combatives Instructor // Former British Soldier

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I've trained in martial arts for 35+ years but after doing 2x5 hour combatives sessions with Julien my knowledge, understanding, and skillset has been been challenged and improved. I'm now a big fan of this practical approach and will be training with Julien more in the future. Highly recommended!

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Headshot of Carlos Tait Carlos Tait

Muay Thai Coach // Former British Champion

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